Topic: Prayer

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116. 7 Prayers for Agape 2022

Series: BuildingUp (116 of 157)

We are getting ready to begin this year's call to a time of corporate prayer and fasting. This episode of the podcast reflects on the origins of the "7 Prayers for Agape" as well as this year's theme and some thoughts on fasting. 

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115. The Spirit Helps Us to Pray

Series: BuildingUp (115 of 157)

The Bible tells us that God provides His Spirit to help His people in their weakness, including when they have difficulty praying. What kind of weakness may we experience when we try to pray and what type of help does the Spirit provide?

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114. The Purpose of Prayer

Series: BuildingUp (114 of 157)

Many Christians struggle with both making time to pray as well as finding joy when they do pray. What does the Bible show us is the primary purpose of prayer? And how can understanding that purpose, increase our delight in praying?

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Pray in the Spirit

Jude writes his short letter to the church, urging them to contend for the true gospel in light of false teachers who had slipped in among them; they were teaching in error that God’s gift of grace allows Christians to live in whatever lifestyle they

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Deliver Us from Evil

How do we find peace in both praying for protection from evil, as well as deliverance from evil that we may already be experiencing?

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