Agape Academy
Agape Academy is a ministry of Agape Church located in Pinson, Alabama. A homeschool covering that exists to serve families as they educate their children.

Pinson, Alabama Food Pantry
Every month on the fourth Sunday, Agape Church opens the Food Pantry to families in our surrounding communities who are in need of food and other household supplies.
Lighthouse Ministry
Agape’s Lighthouse ministry exists to bring help, healing, and health to broken and breaking families for the glory of Christ

Prayer Ministry
At Agape Church we are committed to nurturing a culture of prayer to RELY on Christ for all things, seeking God’s guidance, and drawing closer to Him and each other.
Small Groups and Studies
Agape Small Groups and Studies exist to glorify God, build community, and encourage spiritual growth through the teaching of His Word, worship, prayer, and fellowship.

FIRELIGHT Worship Ministry
Our desire is to create a healthy, vibrant, and reproducing worship environment through biblical discipleship, musical training, and engaging worship opportunities.