Episode 134: The Royal Law

Message 134 of 157 in the series BuildingUp

On this episode, we explore the contrast between man-made laws of segregation and God's law of love.

Episode 134: The Royal Law

In the 1950’s in Birmingham, Alabama ordinances were signed into law that prevented people of different races from assembling together – even for normal activities such as eating or playing. This stands in stark contrast to the Royal Law of Love established by God: “Love your Neighbor as yourself”. Today we still find ourselves tempted to judge others by some external attribute – whether race, economics, politics, or personal preference. The church must embrace this Royal Law, as we consider the commonality among all people – that we are all created by Jesus.

God’s Law of Love vs Man’s Law of Segregation

The primary takeaway from this episode is the call to resist prejudice and judgment based on external attributes, reflecting on the fact that all of us are created in the image of God. This urges us to love one another as Christ loves us, without partiality. We should fight prejudices with the spirit, the word, and prayer, and uphold the Royal Law of Love.

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