Episode 132: Be Faithful in Your Ministry

Message 132 of 157 in the series BuildingUp

just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf

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Colossians 1:7, ESV

Episode 132: Be Faithful in Your Ministry

Epaphras is called a “faithful Minister of Christ” on behalf of the Colossians. Often we think about church leaders as the Ministers who are called to be faithful. While that is true, the rest of the story is that we have all been called into a ministry. Not only called, but Christ has placed us in certain people’s lives, certain careers, certain churches that we would do specific good works that glorify Him. It is important that we view our lives in this way and also that we continually abide with Jesus that he might make us grow more and more faithful.

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